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Present Perfect Continuous Tense

By November 11, 2023November 26th, 2023No Comments

Definition: it describes an action that began in the past and continues in the present and may keep happening in the future.

Example: I have been eating cookies and snacks.

Helping Verbs: Has/have been

Sentence structure

  • Positive = Subject + has/have + been + Present participle + Object
  • Negative = Subject + has not/have not + been + Present participle + Object
  • Interrogative = Has/have + Subject + been + Present participle + Object
  • Negative Interrogative = Hasn’t/haven’t + Subject + been + Present participle + Object?

Positive Sentences

  • Electricians have been fixing the electronic issues.
  • She has been studying all night.

Negative Sentences

  • The Mechanic hasn’t been repairing my car.

Interrogative Sentences

  • Have those workmen been working all day?

Interrogative Sentences with (questions word)

  • Where have those workmen been working all day?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

  • Haven’t we been eating all the dishes at the wedding party?

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