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Edwin Hubble

By November 20, 2023March 11th, 2024No Comments

I uploaded an article to know him because of his birthday (today is 20 Nov)

Astronomer: A scientist who studies stars, planets, and other celestial objects in the sky.

Extragalactic: Beyond or outside our own galaxy, referring to objects or phenomena in the wider universe.

Galaxy: A huge collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity, such as our Milky Way.

Telescope: A tool that helps people see faraway objects in the sky, like stars and planets, by collecting and magnifying light.

Distant: Far away or not near, referring to objects that are not close to us.

Categorized: Sorted or grouped based on certain characteristics or criteria.

Diverse: Having a variety of different things, showing differences or variations.

Discover: To find or learn about something for the first time.

Disclose: To reveal or make information known to others.

Highpowered: Very strong or intense, often used to describe advanced and powerful equipment.

Cosmos: The entire universe, including all galaxies, stars, planets, and space.

Milky Way: a broad band of light that can be seen in the night sky and that is caused by the light of a very large number of faint stars

Article – Learn about Edwin Hubble

Edwin Hubble was an American Astronomer born on 20 November 1898 and died on 28 September 1953. who played a major role in establishing the field of extragalactic astronomy.

He is known for two main reasons

First, he figured out and proved that there are many other galaxies beyond the Milky Way. before him, many other people believed that the Milky Way was the only Gaxaly in the universe. later Edwin Hubble tried a telescope to observe distant objects that looked like clouds of light. He categorized millions of stars in different shapes and sizes. He presented the universe as much bigger and more diverse than we thought.

Second, he is famous among millions of people because of his discovery that changed the understanding of the cosmos.

in simple words, “Cosmos” is Universe/Worlds.

Edwin discloses the mystery, and the beauty of the universe, because of his discoveries many other explorers and scientists were inspired.

He gave his name to the “Hubble Space Telescope” which is a high-powered tool to explore the universe and make new discoveries.

Read more on these sources:, encyclopedia, and Britannica.

Thank you!

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