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App Review

Chatgpt AI Speaking Tutor App

By February 24, 2024May 1st, 2024No Comments

Hey guys, today’s video going to be really interesting I have never created before this app you are going to start speaking English for free of cost.

in this app, so this video is based on AI you’re going to talk like a real human you don’t really feel this is like “AI” You talk with “he, she” You know there are different types of voices you can select and try to talk any topic any language you want to try you can try it out I recommend you English because I’m recording for English Learners so I recommend to start with English 100% better.

As far as I know, I tried 20 minutes and there have been no any like disturbances so far 20 minutes I tried and you are going to try the same thing in your own way I suggest you start 10 to 20 minutes or 15 minutes a day to start speaking with this AI you are going to feel like really human remember this this is not a video conversation this can be more audio conversation you’re going to record or you can talk with them or you can listen back that’s what I would like to show you I have talked so far 20 minute that without any disturbances as I earlier said.

You know I came up but I recorded 7 minutes and I’m going to show you the 7-minute conversation with that AI I was talking a little bit you know “future jobs” so the interesting thing is they are not going to share with very simple is they are going to speak a little bit Advanced English that’s going to help you to understand to learn new vocabulary talking with AI right, as usual, I will keep trying to upload some interesting application for you so at this moment I have this for you try to rec try to listen this how recording here or here I’m going to attach so let’s dive into.

You have to simply click this button and start so let me try to start,


hey there how can I help you today

well that’s a good question let’s try to uh I’m just trying to review this application so let’s try to practice English together I would like to record this video for my students so they can try to my viewers subscribers they’re going to install this application it’ll be good for you so give me some interesting thing for example interesting let’s try with five simple question you’re going to ask me, I am gonna response you

sure that sounds like a great idea let’s start with some simple questions one what’s your favorite hobby and why two if you could visit any place in the world where would you go and why three what is something you’ve always wanted to learn and why

Sorry, for four what’s your sorry for interrupting but I think it’s not a good idea to do this way I think if somebody’s asking you you have to ask step by step one question and you got an answer and second question this is a way of talking you have to follow this way.

Got it, thanks for clarifying let’s go step by step then first question what’s your favorite hobby and why?

Well, I think my favorite hobby is to uh to create some things or talking with people this is interesting for me when I talk with people I feel enjoy this is the best hobby besides cycling and reading and watching movies.

That sounds like a diverse range of hobbies it’s great that you enjoy creating things and engaging with others so when you’re talking with people what topics do you usually like to discuss?

that’s an interesting thing to say because every time we start some random thing right just start to select any topic and that’s all starting with always how are you and starting with how’s your day or How was the weather and then starting with different topic any topic can be particular we can choose and that’s how I think it happens.

it’s true conversations often start with simple questions like How are you or How’s your day and and then naturally progress to different topics based on shared interests or current events it’s nice to have that flexibility to discuss anything that comes to mind so what’s something interesting you’ve talked about recently with someone.

Well, that’s great let’s see I have talked with someone recently related to the future of jobs all right so what do you think uh the future of jobs as AI like artificial intelligence has been you know increasing so a lot of people are worried, right? so what do you think about this one the future of jobs.

is definitely a topic that’s on many people’s minds, especially with the rise of artificial intelligence while AI May automate some tasks it also creates new opportunities for Innovation and collaboration it’s important for us to adapt and learn new skills to stay competitive in the changing job market so what are some skills or fields you think will be in demand in the future?

um, let’s say about developers, right? I think customer supports are developers and these are specifically some skills or some professions that can be in high demand in the future probably as I I think at this moment I’m not sure other things can be automatic but when I talk about this one AI developers and um Developers generally I think they are not going to be uh something that can lay off or resign they would be in a really good high-demand I think, am I right?

Absolutely you’re on to something there developers especially those specializing in AI are likely to remain in high-demand as technology continues to advance customer support roles are also crucial as they provide personalized assistance that AI may not be able to replicate entirely I think I totally agree of this one what do you think what are some jobs they can be completely or fully automatic would no longer exist some jobs that could become fully automated in the future include tasks that are repetitive and don’t require human judgment or creativity such as certain types of data entry assembly line work or even some forms of transportation like driving however it’s important to remember that while some tasks within these jobs may become automated there will likely still be a need for human oversight and decision-making in many Industries so while certain jobs may evolve or change New Opportunities will also emerge what are your thoughts on this I think I agree um partly on this one um maybe it can be changed and cannot be changed also most of the categories I mean it’s as we already discussed or I already that’s a fair point yeah the impact of automation on different jobs can vary and some roles may undergo significant changes rather than being fully replaced it’s essential to consider the specific tasks within a job and how they could be affected by automation so it’s a complex issue with many factors to consider is there anything else you’re curious about or would like to discuss.

Well, it’ll be great uh if I can talk about some additional things, for example, teachers, right? I want to ask you this question as I’m an English tutor and being an English tutor teaching online can be really interesting what do you think about this future because we have a lot of things, right? nowadays we have ai tutors there has been I mean they have they have been increasing they have been increasing I mean sorry for that so what do you think it’ll be declined or not?

Really teaching English online can indeed be a fascinating and rewarding experience while AI tutors have been on the rise there are certain aspects of human interaction and personalized instruction that AI may not be able to fully replicate as an English tutor you bring a unique perspective empathy and cultural insight to your teaching which can greatly benefit your students additionally online platforms provide accessibility and flexibility for both tutors and Learners making it easier to connect with students from around the world so despite the increasing presence of AI in education there’s still a significant demand for human English tutors like yourself keep up the great work.

That’s that’s good to know that you’re encouraging me that’s great so nice of you.

I’m glad to hear that teaching English is such an important and valuable role and it’s wonderful to see Educators like s making a positive impact if you ever have any questions or need support feel free to reach out anytime keep up the Fantastic work with your students thank you have a great day. you’re welcome have a fantastic day too if you ever need anything else just let me know.

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