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Present Perfect Tense

By November 11, 2023November 26th, 2023No Comments

Definition: it describes an action that began in the past and connection to the present.

Example: We have traveled to London many times.

Sentence structure

Positive = Subject + has/have + Past Participle + Object

Negative = Subject + has not/have not+ Past Participle + Object

Interrogative = Has/have + Subject + Past Participle + Object?

Negative Interrogative = Hasn’t/haven’t + Subject + Past Participle + Object?

  • Past Participle = Verb 3

Helping Verbs: Has/have

Positive Sentences

  • Anna has told me the truth.
  • They have gone crazy.

Negative Sentences

  • I haven’t talked about us to her.
  • He hasn’t broken the vase.

Interrogative Sentences (asking questions) give answers with yes/no

  • Has she found the answers?
  • Have you eaten lunch?

Interrogative Sentences with (questions word) explain the answer

  • When has she found the answers?
  • How have I made the wrong choice?

Negative Interrogative Sentences

  • Hasn’t he finished his homework yet?
  • Haven’t they attended the wedding ceremony yet?

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